How to Use Foam Tape for Eyelash Extensions

When I first started doing Eyelash Extensions I used the standard gel under eye pads that come with every beginners kit. I think they are the most common and popular with a lot of techs as they are quite easy to find, affordable and work pretty well. For the years that I was using those under eye gel pads I did run into some common problems with them

  • They would often not stick properly, especially if the client was wearing heavy makeup

  • They always seemed to pop up in the inner corners and I would have to tape them down

  • They would ride up into the clients eye and cause excessive watering eyes

  • If not stored properly, they would grow mould on them

  • A lot of single use plastic is wasted for one client

I would always have to supplement the gel pads with excessive amounts of micropore tape to stick the pads down securely, which is not cost effective at all and super annoying! I had seen other techs talking about foam tape and even my lash tech who does my lashes uses it. I bought a few different types of tape to try out in the beginning, I have to say the 3m tape is one of the best ones out there but any medical foam tape will work nicely. 

PRO TIP - make sure to buy the right size of tape, I would recommend 5x3cm which is the perfect size for under eye pads. If you get tape that is too small/big you will end up wasting a lot of it as you try to cut it to fit under the eye correctly.

It can be a little tricky to cut the foam tape with scissors as the adhesive on the tape tends to gum up your scissors. What I found worked best for me was to back the tape on parchment paper. I will place the tape on either side of a long strip of parchment paper and then cut it into individual under eye pads. 

Check out my tutorial below to see how I cut my foam tape and how I apply it to the under eye. I hope this was helpful for you, if you have any questions please leave them in the comments section below